
The Principles Of Osteopathy

Osteopathy is a manual form of healthcare involving techniques that facilitate and encourage the healing process by focusing on the relationship between the body’s structure and function. This non-invasive, drug-free treatment can improve mobility, pain levels, muscle tension, circulation, and overall wellbeing through methods such as manipulation, massage, muscle energy techniques (MET), stretching, exercise prescription, and education.

When a patient is assessed and treated using osteopathic principles, all aspects of their health are examined, rather than the symptoms alone. This personalised, holistic approach views the body as a whole instead of separate systems and parts, analysing and encouraging its innate abilities to heal.

Our osteopaths are passionate about diagnosing and treating a wide array of conditions in all ages to assist in reducing imbalances, improving or restoring physical functionality, and avoiding future injuries and illness.

What Does Osteopathy Involve?

Osteopathy has four foundational principles, which were established by the founder Dr Andrew Taylor Still in the late 1800s and have been expanded upon since. These acknowledge how the different areas of the body interact, work together, and influence each other. Personalised care plans are developed using these principles.


By looking at the body as a unit, rather than separate regions, the mind, body, and spirit are incorporated into treatment. This is based on the concept that no single body part functions independently but instead, all are fully integrated and interconnected, impacting the collective whole of a person.

In this regard, alteration or malfunction of any area, whether that be physical, mental, or spiritual, can affect overall function and wellbeing. Instead of targeting an isolated problematic region during treatment, other areas that may be contributing to symptoms can be included to develop and establish harmony.

Innate Capabilities

Human bodies have complex mechanisms that work towards homeostasis by healing itself. When one area of the body is working sub-optimally, it can cause other parts to compensate, which can then cause further dysfunction.

Osteopathy helps to improve and resolve issues that may be restricting the body’s self-regulation, self-maintenance, and self-healing abilities. This may include factors such as stress, inadequate nutrition or sleep, or poor posture.

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Reciprocal Interrelation And Influences

Osteopathy incorporates the way that structure and function are linked. What makes up the body, such as the soft tissues, joints and nerves, and the function of these parts, such as mobility and digestion, correspond to each other. They also respond to and influence internal and external factors.

This interaction impacts the healing capacity of the body, its ability to adapt, and its resilience and stamina. Function and self-healing are inhibited when the overall structure is deficient. Osteopaths utilise this relationship to encourage healing to improve injuries, illnesses, and imbalances.

Treatment Based On These Osteopathy Principles

Osteopathy ultimately combines these three principles in a personalised manner to assess, examine, and treat the individual. Rationally applying the basic principles of body unity, self-regulation, self-maintenance and self-healing abilities, and the structure and function interrelationship, can improve health and wellbeing and prevent disease and injury.

The Benefits Of Osteopathy

These four principles of osteopathy come together to develop a treatment that can be personalised to meet an individual’s specific needs, requirements, and goals.

Improved Health And Wellbeing

Osteopathy can be used to improve a wide range of health conditions, issues, and injuries. These may include headaches, muscle and joint pain, reduced mobility, poor sleep, and fatigue.

Non-Invasive Therapy

Manual therapy, lifestyle modification, and education are core to osteopathic care. Its proactive rather than reactive approach means the targeting of underlying issues may reduce the need for more invasive treatments down the track.

The techniques used by osteopaths involve manual methods to assess, diagnose, and treat, rather than options such as surgery.

Treatment can include:
• Manipulation
• Deep tissue massage
• Articulation and mobilisation of joints
• Stretching
• Muscle Energy Techniques (MET)
• Dry Needling
• Shockwave therapy
• Electrotherapy
• Lifestyle education

Less Complex Healthcare Regimen

Because osteopaths look at the whole body and can treat more than one condition or bodily dysfunction, the need for seeing multiple healthcare professionals and therapists may be reduced.

Principles Of Osteopathy Develop Individualised Care

At Excel Body & Health, our osteopaths are experienced and skilled in providing therapy that is built on the foundational principles and tailored to each client to incorporate their specific needs.

Make an appointment and visit us so that we can provide a comprehensive assessment and develop a plan for you.

We welcome private health insurance, Medicare, Workcover, TAC and DVA patients.


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