What is an Osteopathy Treatment Notification Report

What is an Osteopathy Treatment Notification Report?

If you have experienced a work-related injury or illness, you may now be in the thick of sorting out healthcare treatment and payment options. When it comes to osteopathy and relevant financial support claims, we can help. 

Osteopathy may be highly beneficial to your recovery due to its holistic and comprehensive care options. We can assist you by performing a thorough assessment, delivering high-quality care, and supporting you with workplace-related claims. At the Excel Body and Health Clinic, our priority is helping you to improve your health and well-being and get back on track. 

Workplace claims can be complicated, so we want to make it as simple as possible when it comes to your osteopathy treatment. Find out what is an osteopathy treatment notification report and how we may support you.


When Can I Make an Osteopathy Treatment Worksafe Claim? 

WorkSafe is an organisation that provides eligible applicants with compensation for relevant factors such as medical care and time off work. You can claim with WorkSafe if you have received an injury or become unwell due to a work-related issue. 

If your treatment involves osteopathy care, you may be eligible for assistance. An osteopathy treatment notification report is a form that your osteopath fills out when they provide you with osteopathic care and treatment for a work-related injury or illness. The report is used in the claim process for assistance with WorkSafe.


What is Required For A WorkSafe Claim? 

There are multiple aspects involved in a WorkSafe claim depending on what your injury or illness is and what you are claiming for, such as acquiring a Certificate of Capacity from a medical practitioner. 

In terms of claiming osteopathy, WorkSafe will contribute to costs if treatment is directly related to an injury or illness gained at or because of your work. Your osteopath must also be registered with WorkSafe and provide you with face-to-face services that align with the Clinical Framework principles. 

Your osteopath must submit an Osteopathy Treatment Notification report by your fifth consultation. This goes to your employer, self-insurer, or agent to demonstrate treatment has begun and to detail the treatment plan. This helps your employer, treating team, and WorkSafe manage and support your return to work.


How Can Osteopathy Help With a Work-Related Injury or Illness? 

Regarding injuries or illness related to work and WorkSafe claims, osteopathic clinics are considered to be primary contact services as they assist patients to improve their health and return to work. They can provide personalised treatment options that may support your recovery.


Osteopathy Assistance Regarding Claims 

WorkSafe will consider claims that involve osteopathy when the treating osteopath provides services involving: 

  • Care that considers psychological, biological, and social factors concerning health and wellness with the goal of returning to work. This treatment should involve evidence-based practice.
  • Provision of strategies and techniques that help you to manage your injury or illness.
  • Measurement of goals, progress, and outcomes.
  • Assessment and reporting of symptoms, issues, and risks regarding returning to work.
  • Collaboration with other healthcare professionals involved in your recovery when appropriate and advantageous.


Osteopathy Treatment Options 

Osteopathy involves whole-body healthcare that relates to the musculoskeletal link to a wide range of injuries and conditions. This focuses on how the biomechanics of your body influences other aspects of your body, health, and well-being. Treatment may involve options such as: 

  • Soft tissue massage.
  • Joint articulation and manipulation.
  • Visceral manipulation.
  • Stretching.
  • Muscle energy resistance techniques.
  • Dry needling.
  • Electrotherapy.
  • Shockwave therapy.
  • Education and lifestyle advice.


Injuries and Conditions an Osteopath Can Support 

Some work-related injuries and conditions that osteopathy care may assist with include: 


Receive Comprehensive Support to Return to Work at Excel 

Our osteopaths in Rosanna are dedicated to providing care that assists in improving your health and supports your return to work as soon as possible. 

We understand this can be a stressful time, and we are here to help you through it as best we can. We do this by performing a thorough assessment and developing and delivering comprehensive and holistic care that is tailored to your needs and goals. 

If you are dealing with an injury or illness due to a work-related incident or issue, please contact our friendly and experienced team to organise an initial consultation and to find out how we can help you.



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